Tuesday, December 4, 2012

Firefighter fired for bringing in toilet paper with Obama's pic on it

President Barack Obama's image printed on toilet paper (Big Mouth Toys via Amazon, http://aka.ms/toilet-paper)

Firefighter fired for bringing in toilet paper with Obama's pic on it

2 hrs ago
A Pompano Beach, Fla., firefighter has been fired for bringing a roll of toilet paper featuring President Obama's face on it to his fire station. And while that might spark an argument over free speech, the event was Clint Pierce's third instance of bringing politically themed materials into the station, in violation of a direct order not to do so. Fire Chief Harry L. Small determined that Pierce's behavior was not racially motivated, but the politics created a "divisiveness within the department and community" that was deemed unacceptable on city property. Piece had been with the department for 19 years. [Source]


Anonymous said...

He should have been!

What is wrong with America? President Obama is admired around the world and yet, the people in America treat him with such disrespect. It is so clear that there is something very wrong in a country that claims to be a Christian nation.

Please stop the hate because the more you do what you are doing just shows the world your true colors....and there is nothing beautiful about it.

Anonymous said...

Obama might be "admired around the world", as you say, but I suspect that the whole world is LAUGHING at us for electing an IMPOSTER who is blatantly DESTROYING THIS COUNTRY, with exactly no one lifting a finger to stop him.

I've read that the REAL election resulted in 60% Romney vs. 40% Obama. HE HAD TO STEAL IT, OF COURSE. He's virtually HATED across this country, and rightly so.

You can read Dr. Mount's updates on AFPN (American Family Patriot Network)





Anonymous said...

I agree. He's President again for a very good reason and it's BECAUSE ENOUGH PEOPLE WOKE UP TO THE LIES PERPETRATED BY THE GOP AND VOTED FOR HIM!!! YAAY,LET THE BACKLASH CONTINUE!! The hate has to stop because it's beyond tiresome and now it borders on treason. That firefighter should've been fired and let's face it, if it was George W. Bush's picture on that toilet paper, that firefighter would be in jail right now!! WE ALL KNOW THAT THAT IS THE GOD'S HONEST TRUTH!!! To all you haters, ask yourself this....how come all of the accusations hurled against Obama over the last 4 years never seemed to stick? Are Donald Trump, FOX news, John Boehner, the 'teabaggers'(might want to look up the definition of that word in urban dictionary.) and all the rest of the GOP that powerless to take down one man? Are they that impotent or is it more like they are all that full of it and selling everyone of their followers up the river! Be careful who you believe and always remember that a true Christian doesn't judge others or doubt God's plan for his or her country. And on that note, if you hate Obama sooo much, do us all a favor and leave the country.

Anonymous said...

Open your eyes you idiot. It was Obummer that claimed this is not a Christian nation.
It's not a matter of hate. It's a matter of the people waking up and realizing where we are headed. I have always said that as long as we have politicians there will always be suffering, misery, death and wars.
The question arises, why is it that the men America loves the most are those who lie, deceive and harm them, but violently despise those who try to tell them the truth.

There is something very wrong with this country and the world and until the sheeple wake up out of their coma, all by design, it will remain business as usual.

Why don't you contact the District of Criminals and tell them to stop what they continue to do. Their actions cannot be disguised behind respectability any longer.
They are all treasonous criminals, or are you too blind to see this as well?

“A nation can survive its fools, and even the ambitious. But it cannot survive treason from within. An enemy at the gates is less formidable, for he is known and carries his banner openly. But the traitor moves amongst those within the gate freely, his sly whispers rustling through all the alleys, heard in the very halls of government itself. For the traitor appears not a traitor; he speaks in accents familiar to his victims, and he wears their face and their arguments, he appeals to the baseness that lies deep in the hearts of all men. He rots the soul of a nation, he works secretly and unknown in the night to undermine the pillars of the city, he infects the body politic so that it can no longer resist. A murderer is less to fear. The traitor is the plague.”
Marcus Tullius Cicero

Anonymous said...

The truth is that no one was elected. When are the sheeple going to wake up to the reality that all these so called elections are nothing more then an illusion of deception? Also the fact that it wouldn't matter if Obummer was from the planet Mars, which I may add that there is more truth in that statement then most could ever imagine, just like all the rest since the 30's, these men are not the president of what you think they are. It wouldn't matter who they put on the front line. Obama is nothing more then the front man puppet for those who are really in control and like all these politicians, they do not give a F__k about you or anyone else except themselves PERIOD! DON'T U SHEEPLE GET IT? They do not give a sh_t about you or anyone. WAKE UP! Romey is just another criminal puppet drone who would have continued the same agenda. Maybe take a different road, but the end game results will be the same.

Not until the sheeple wake up will anything change. Everyone is screaming for health insurance against all the criminals poisoning our environment, food, air and water. Total insanity.

"It is no measure of health to be well adjusted in a profoundly sick society."

Anonymous said...

I have one question - WHERE CAN I GET A ROLL! This is funny! What is ridiculous is micro examination of every event through politically fogged glasses. Defending Obama is the 'safe' venue, never mind that we are trained to defend various ethnic groups showing we are automatically not 'prejudiced.' A rational examination of Obama's acts while president leave little doubt of his allegiance, and it's not we the people. HE IS A MARIONETTE, just like virtually every Washington player. These politicians are guilty as charged, because after they discovered the corruption, they knowingly continued the charade. What caused the fall of Rome? You are watching it now, with a ringside seat. “When the power of love overcomes the love of power, the world will know peace. ” Jimi Hendrix TYJM frj

Anonymous said...

Does the sheeple have the wolves howling?

Anonymous said...

Has already been determined that any pro-Obama comments on this site are either paid shills or welfare recipients--neither of which are known for their intelligence or industriousness. Both campaigns were dirty, unethical and illusory. Nobody wins with that.

Anonymous said...

You must be a Muslim. He is NOT admired around the world by anyone with an IQ over 2. He is not admired by any American who is watching this socialist in action. He craps on the US Constitution and our Bill of Rights. What does he have to do to you before you wake up ?

He is weak. He doesn't work for America or Americans. He takes his orders. He can take his change and shove it ... and then he can use that toilet paper.

I don't sound pissed off do I ?

Anonymous said...

Actually, I have a great job because I went out and got educated and nobody pays me to comment on any site. I comment because it's a free country and I can do what I want and have been doing just that for the last four years, while everyone who votes repugnant and watches fox news cried about their 'freedoms being taken from them'. Still hasen't happened yet assholes!!! By the way, there are many people out of work in this country, educated or not, because there aren't any jobs! That shit started waaayyyy before Obama took office and it will continue long after he's gone. It's because greedy, scumbag corporations would rather pay a chinese woman $10/day to do a job that they would have to pay an american $100/day plus health benefits to do. But, the fox news watchers defend this act because health insurance is 'really welfare in disguise paid for by their tax dollars'. These same people are the first to get sick because they live on fast food and the constant paranoia, misery and fear that comes from listening to pill-poppin' Rush Limbaugh all the time and believing everything that fat f__k tells them.