Sunday, December 2, 2012

Some Guided Thoughts as to What Happens Next

The Rumor Mill News Reading Room 

Some Guided Thoughts as to What Happens Next
Posted By: X_Hermes [Send E-Mail]
Date: Sunday, 2-Dec-2012 06:17:26

I received this message on Friday night. It seems both reassuring and cohesive - and for me this is helpful, since there are many commentaries on this subject of 'What happens next' that are pretty extreme. Accordingly, I feel the need for both caution and discernment as we all attempt to look forward at the next few weeks. One challenge, I think, is that our powers - including those relating to manifesting things into our reality - are expanding quite quickly. This means that, if we hold a lurid and drama-based vision as to what happens next, that may well be what manifests into our personal experience.
One of the most valuable things we can do is to keep working on our vision of what the New Reality will look, feel and act like. Ideally, keep expanding this vision as you get inspired to do so. Keep away from self-serving aspects and work to keep the beneficial impact on the whole, and how you might serve that context, as your primary focus. There is a good chance that this is what you will then manifest as the changes accelerate.
Here is what my guides have to say:
Things are gearing up. You are noticing the further acceleration of time, the increase in your own energy, the sharpening of own acuity. Meanwhile, the world stage will soon be presenting the last of its dramas, and they may well come in a rush! You are all right on top of the major change point, much anticipated for so many years.
As you have always said ‘There is AN event’, and indeed, there is. What is in play does not really lend itself well to human words, because it is way outside your recent experience – and by recent here, we mean over the last few thousand years. There is nothing to be fearful about, indeed, it will be the cause of great celebration for many. It is true that there will be different directions for you to choose as this event comes upon you – but, for the most part, your personal choices are already made, for you have each set the tone and intent of your lives over a significant time. Yes, there will be those who make last minute changes, and usually this will be to upgrade their path to a higher option. These people are, however, in the minority.
At this time, there are many channels giving guidance. Use your discernment here, but also recognize that different presentations of what may happen are not necessarily mutually exclusive. It is true that getting your own intent clear is helpful – yet many are finding that, in this last period where all is being re-aligned, bodies are being detoxified at a high rate, the issues ‘under the carpet’ are finally coming up for review, much new information is bombarding your unconscious, and much more: at this time, clarity is sometimes challenging to achieve and maintain, to say the least.
For centuries, it has usually been the longer term thinker that has held superior strategies and effectiveness, certainly if they had attained a position of power from which to do so. Right now, however, you are so close to 'The Event' that there is little point in making a detailed long term plan, for the context of your current thinking will soon have gone. In its place will emerge an environment in which the bringing of such plans to fruition will become immeasurably easier. But because any plan made in today’s context will be at least partly invalidated by what is to happen, it is likely that plans made now will require a serious overhaul, and possibly complete abandonment in their present form.
This does not mean that your INTENT is invalidated – far from it. Your intent will become far easier to activate. It is the ‘how’ that will be most effected, since all aspects of today’s constraints will have either eased or disappeared. This is why we emphasis ‘intent’ rather than ‘plans’. By all means, use planning to fill out your intent, but simply be aware that your options for getting the plan working are in process to greatly increase – so be prepared for beneficial change. And remember that several worldly teachers have always suggested 'Let the universe handle the details'. The implication? If your plans are rigid, you reduce the universe's ability to manifest delivery.
The old reality is now all but dead, much of it running on habit and the very last of the old world momentum. 'The Event' will clear out both, and present a new reality cleansed of much that, today, is still seen as constraining. In reality, most of this has gone already, but the old guard are past masters at charades, and so, much of the population is still inclined to believe that nothing has changed. But, deep down, even they mostly know differently.
The Bible has many predictions about ‘Now’, predictions that have survived much nefarious editing and the sometimes great inaccuracies of translation. One such is that ‘The Ungodly will be removed’. By now, you are aware to whom this might apply, and soon you will have the gift of freedom from those who have controlled all around them, primarily for their own gain. The game of power and control will very shortly be gone, invalidated by the shift in frequencies and phasing that will jet you into your choice of New Realities.
Since power and control is, in actuality, embedded at every level of society, you are going to be challenged to evolve new ways to do things. Thus, a focus on and understanding of methods of co-operative working and co-creation with other realms will serve you well here. They will provide a productive context to the many experiments that will need to take place as people search for new and creative ways to work together satisfactorily. You will be able to progressively evolve a new toolbox for ways to get things done - one that has a significant spiritual element as you draw other realms into your creative processes
And so we continue! I wish you all a month that is both transformational, and filled with grace and ease. This is the evolutionary home run, after which we will have passed the energetic nexus point that acts to start the release of all our long-suppressed potentials.
Xavier Hermes


Anonymous said...

John, "we are going through the BS disinfo stage of the bad guys".
We have been going through this for YEARS! This is not just a stage and is not news!

Anonymous said...

Just wondering why you still have the above posting dated December 2, 2012 ??

Anonymous said...

On your header this morning, Tuesday Septermber 24, 2013 I quote, "Rumors - Dinars & Dongs are rumored to be traded in Europe and India NOW!" I live in Amsterdam and there is absolutely no sign of the RV here. Is this just some type of stupid manipulation game of the gurus who constantly dangle the same proverbial carrot in front of unsuspecting hopefuls?
Rumor-Dinar trading in Europe- This IS a Rumor!-CONFIRMED!

Anonymous said...

It's what day now?.... and still waiting.... sure do love the dated deadlines....

Anonymous said...

High possibility was a no possibility.... posting these "possibilities" that are not ...get demoralizing to those who believe and just down right boring to those who use to believe years ago. What's the fricking purpose when sources are probably no better than a dinar guru's?? Why not announce something that actually has happened and is also verifiable before launching off into the wild blue yonder? Without these announcements fewer people will be yawning when something does happen!!

Anonymous said...

Totally agreed!!

Anonymous said...

And CONTINUES to be confirmed ... from The Netherlands!