Friday, December 7, 2012

"Time sensitive message from Cosmic Awareness"

"Time sensitive message from Cosmic Awareness" 
Posted By: hobie [Send E-Mail]
Date: Friday, 2-Nov-2012 16:32:42

Reader Ted writes: 

Cosmic Awareness has just given information that It feels is most important for everyone to know and understand at this time. This message comes in two parts. 

Part one:
Cosmic Awareness says again that the all out attck against the United sates of America has begun. These ARE the End Times that not only Cosmic Awareness has spoken of but also it was this time that the many prophets of old have spoken of. Those in power intend to do whatever they can to try and come out on top in as many time lines as possible. This is the moment where many time lines are coming together and all of the upheaval that has already started and will continue is necessary so that all will find themselves in situations where they will have to make a choice and define their direction and commit themselves fully to reaching the highest level of conscious awareness, the levels that will bring them into alignment with the spirit and Divine energies which are flooding the plane of existence that is this present planet A/B and all time lines as well.

This is indeed a time to draw the line and make a choice as to whether or not they wish to experience the highest level of spiritual energies that will propel them forward into their Ascension. The PTB rely not only on covert and hidden actions, but they also rely on many false prophets, false leaders, false spiritual gurus, who are at this time proclaiming themselves as the one who knows all, that has the only true answer in their minds. This also includes some very well known sources that have for sometime been considered the spokesperson for the Forces of Light and good. They speak of wonderful times and wonderful things but they also speak of the fact that one must ignore any and all events that seem to be negative.

Cosmic Awareness again asks that you question all including Cosmic Awareness. Cosmic Awareness warns of the Ostrich Principle-when your head is in the sand you still expose your posterior. Even the one known as the Christ had to go into the desert for 40 days and 40 nights to face his own darkness within. This is a time when it is not only important to seek the Light but also it is a time that one must face the darkness, both the darkness without and the darkness within ones self. Much more... 

Part two:
A question is asked about a video that was on Youtube by a scientist that clearly showed how HAARP was being used to not only direct Hurricane Sandy but to also strengthen it. The questioner states that the video has been removed supposedly by the one who posted it. Cosmic Awareness says that the information on the video was accurate and it was removed by the PTB because they don't want this type of information out there because too many would begin to see through the deception and would understand that the nature of this attack was by those in power and for the purpose of destroying the country and enslaving the people through the declaration of Martial Law. Cosmic Awareness say that this information will be presented again in different ways and to just be alert for this. 

A question is asked regarding the well being of the person who posted the video. Cosmic Awareness says that he is okay and that he will continue trying to present this information concerning how HAARP is being used to cause these storms and earthquakes. Cosmic Awareness says he is being protected.

In response to another question Cosmic Awareness reveals that the ultimate purpose of the PTB is not to simply create storms on the East Coast and earthquakes on the West coast. The ultimate purpose is to trigger the New Madrid fault line. This would then cause the invoking of Martial Law and would then allow the cancelling of the election which would allow Obama to stay in power. The Galactic Federation are attempting to miigate and reduce the effects of the plans of the PTB. In fact, they have already done so as Hurricane Sandy was intended to be much stronger and more damaging.

Contrary to what many sources and channels have been saying, Obama IS NOT OF THE LIGHT! Look at the last 4 years of his presidency to see what actions he has actually taken, what bills he has introduced. This will show you that his actions have not been of a high nature but quite the opposite! Obama at this time is still being used to further the agenda of the archons, the Reptilians, the Orions, the PTB. He too will experience much upheaval and disaster and through his experience of this he too may be of greater service to spirit. But at this time he is not in service in a way that will assist the people of the United States. From what is said it appears that something may happen to Obama's family.

The media has been given a script to follow and false reports to present just as they did on 911. Although there was much damage caused by Hurricane Sandy there are also false reports being presented to make it seem even worse.
And much more...     Ted


Citizens for Love and Respect said...

Wrong, on the issue of Obama. He has been the key most powerful mole in the midst of the Cabal. He has done such an awesome job as a mole inside the cabal system that it has fooled many of the light as well as the dark ones themselves. Does not a excellent mole in an organization do an excellent job convincing that organization? Does not that require doing many "wrong" things for a specified period of time as the most infiltrated insider? And when the right time arrives that mole flips to be the most effective whiteness, with the most powerful evidences against that organization? The GFL has in fact used the word mole in his regard. Obama is one of few most powerful leaders of the "behind-the-seen" organizing massive network ready to usher in the transformation of not just the United States, but the world.

Anonymous said...

look Ted you are a little late the elections are over and who ever wrote this, sounds like a 4th grader come on, you really want us to belive this.Look the bad guys have lost and the good guys have won so save it.And who is cosmic Awarness any way. PLEASE STOP IT.

Anonymous said...

ovomit a light worker? really? then i'm santa claus